class: center, middle, inverse, small-images # Building a chess engine: from bit twiddling to search heuristics #### Or how Camel was built #### Semana de Informática 2024 @ FEUP --- class: center, middle, inverse ### Your host <img src="/assets/about-me/bdmendes-2022.jpg" style="width: 20%; border-radius: 5em;"> ** Bruno Mendes ** Software Engineer @ Kevel M.EIC Alumni 4-year NIAEFEUP Member Club Chess Player @ GXP --- class: center, middle, inverse, small-images ### Let's talk about chess programming Interrupt me anytime in case I am not being clear! --- ### Context - Camel is my biggest personal project - Amateur chess engine built from scratch to learn Rust and chess programming - 2200-Elo on chess bot competitions (CCRL); estimated to be around 2500 in human pools - Available on my GitHub - This talk uses code adapted from Camel, but the concepts are relevant in all of chess programming and game theory <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/camel.svg" style="width: 50%"> --- class: center ### A quick reminder of chess rules <iframe width="100%" height="400" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe> --- class: center ### Chess programming is really simple <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/iceberg.jpeg" style="width: 50%; margin: 0 auto;"> --- class: center, middle, inverse, small-images ### The big picture #### What is the use case of our program? --- class: center ### A single user story "As an operator, I would like to retrieve the best move for a given position, given the time available for both players [so that I may win]" <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/2-players-board.jpg" style="width: 100%;"> --- class: center, middle, small-images ### A clear separation of concerns <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/chess_call_graph.png" style="width: 65%;"> --- class: center, middle, inverse, small-images ### Let's use a bottom-up approach What core abstractions do we need for a chess position? --- ### The `Position` structure: considerations - Needs to - Encode the contents of the 64 squares of the chess board - Store metadata such as castling rights, enpassant square - Be serialized and unserialized to/from FEN - Be flexible enough for very fast move making *Is an array enough?* ```rust struct Position { mailbox: [Option<Piece>; 64], en_passant_square: Option<Square>, castling_rights: u8, // bitset ... } ``` --- ### FEN encoding .left-column-33[ - A rather simple position representation - Very useful for communication protocols and chess analysis tools - Not suitable for efficient hashing... (why?) > 1k3R2/1pp4q/p1p5/7r/4P3/2PPQ3/P1P3P1/6K1 b - - 0 27 ] .right-column-66[ <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/fen.png" style="width: 450px;"> ] --- ### The mailbox approach - A regular array with 64 elements - More efficient than a 2D array due to pointer indirection <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/2d_indirection.png" style="height: 200px;"> - Easy to calculate directions with constant offsets <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/offsets.png" style="height: 200px;"> --- ### Calculating movements using mailbox - Loop over directions as you learn to do in programming 101 - Stop when the board wraps around or you find an occupied square ```rust for &offset in directions { let mut current_offset = offset; // e.g. -1 (WEST) or 9 (NORTHEAST) loop { let to_index = (square.0 as isize + current_offset) as usize; if to_index >= BOARD_SIZE { break; } if let Some(to_piece) = position.board[to_index] { if to_piece.color() != color { moves.push(Move::new(square, to_index, MoveFlags::CAPTURE)); } break; } else { moves.push(Move::new(square, to_index, MoveFlags::empty())); current_offset += offset; } } } ``` Unfortunately, not very efficient... --- class: center, middle, inverse, small-images ### Enter bitboards You know what else has 64 elements besides a chess board? --- ### Bitboards - A *piece-centric* manner of representing the board - 6 u64 for each piece: pawn, king, knight, bishop, rook, queen - 2 u64 for each color: white, black - Very efficient for counting material and many other operations - "Where (and how many) are the black rooks?" - "Give me the rooks on the seventh rank." <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/bb_op.png" style="width: 100%"> --- ### Calculating pawn movements Shift and mask! ```rust let direction = MoveDirection::pawn_direction(position.side_to_move); // -8 or 8 // Single push let single_push_pawns = our_pawns.shift(direction) & !occupancy; // << 8 or >> 8 for to_square in single_push_pawns { let from_square = to_square.shift(-direction); moves.push(occupancy, moves, from_square, to_square); } // West capture let west_pawns = (our_pawns & !WEST_FILE).shift(direction + MoveDirection::WEST) & occupancy_them; for to_square in west_pawns { let from_square = to_square.shift(-direction - MoveDirection::WEST); moves.push(occupancy_them, moves, from_square, to_square); } ... ``` --- ### Calculating leaper movements - Do it once, then be lazy. - You're building a `Map<square, moves>` ```rust pub type LeaperAttackMap = [Bitboard; 64]; pub static KNIGHT_ATTACKS: LeaperAttackMap = init_leaper_attacks(&[ MoveDirection::NORTH + 2 * MoveDirection::WEST, MoveDirection::NORTH + 2 * MoveDirection::EAST, MoveDirection::SOUTH + 2 * MoveDirection::WEST, MoveDirection::SOUTH + 2 * MoveDirection::EAST, 2 * MoveDirection::NORTH + MoveDirection::WEST, 2 * MoveDirection::NORTH + MoveDirection::EAST, 2 * MoveDirection::SOUTH + MoveDirection::WEST, 2 * MoveDirection::SOUTH + MoveDirection::EAST, ]); ``` Works fine because knights simply jump and cannot be blocked. --- ### Calculating slider movements - Can do it on the fly, but there is a better approach - *Magic bitboards* is a perfect hashing technique that caches the available movements for a piece, given the occupancy of the board - You're trying to build a `Map<(square, occupancy), moves>` - But instead you use a custom data structure to speed things up: you find these "magics" that eventually yield the correct moves for all blocker setups ```rust // We'll have 128 of these. 2 sliders (rook, bishop) and 64 squares. pub struct SquareMagic { pub blockers_mask: Bitboard, // piece ray in an empty board pub shift: u8, // the number of ones of the blockers mask pub magic: Bitboard, // a number used for hashing; calculated a priori pub attacks: Vec<Bitboard>, // all possible move combinations } pub fn magic_index(magic: &SquareMagic, occupancy: Bitboard) -> usize { // Remove non-relevant pieces from blockers (i.e not in ray) let blockers = occupancy & magic.blockers_mask; // Do the magic to find the index in `square.attacks` ((blockers * magic.magic) >> (64 - magic.shift)) as usize } ``` --- ### Calculating attackers of a square - Useful e.g. for check detection. - Put a virtual piece on the square and find movements from here - If you're simulating a rook and find rooks or queens in path, logically those will also "see" you and thus are attacking you ```rust pub fn square_attackers(board: &Board, square: Square, color: Color) -> Bitboard { let mut bb = Bitboard::new(0); // Attacked in file or rank let attacker_rooks_queens = (board.pieces(Piece::Rook) | board.pieces(Piece::Queen)) & occ_attacker; let rook_attacks = piece_attacks(Piece::Rook, square, occupancy, color); bb |= rook_attacks & attacker_rooks_queens; ... } pub fn king_square_attackers(board: &Board, color: Color) -> Bitboard { let checked_king = board.pieces_bb_color(Piece::King, color.opposite()); square_attackers(board, checked_king, color) } ``` --- ### Move packing .left-column-33[ - Speed is absolutely key not also in calculating moves but in storing them - We can minimize memory usage by packing move data and metadata in a very domain-specific 16-bit payload - 6 bits for the intial square - 6 bits for the target square - 4 bits for metadata ] .right-column-66[ <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/move_metadata.png" style="width: 100%;"> ] --- ### Testing it all up .left-column-33[ - This is all very complex and prone to bugs - My king used to like castling with no rook - Fortunately, people are kind enough to provide huge testing suites for move generation, e.g. from Stockfish ] .right-column-66[ ```rust fn expect_perft(fen: &str, depth: u8, nodes: u64) { let position = Position::from_fen(fen).unwrap(); assert_eq!(perft(&position, depth, nodes)); } #[test] fn perft_case_1() { expect_perft("2K2r2/4P3/8/8/8/8/8/3k4 w - - 0 1", 6, 3821001); } pub fn perft(position: &Position, depth: u8) -> u64 { if depth == 0 { return 1; } let moves = generate_moves(position); let mut nodes = 0; for mov in moves { let new_position = make_move(position, mov); let count = perft(&new_position, depth - 1); nodes += count; } nodes } ``` ] --- class: center, middle, inverse, small-images ### We know how to generate moves, now what? How does a chess engine know which positions are best? --- ### Evaluation 101 - Assignment of how much a position is worth, in white's perspective - We like to use *centipawns* as a relative measure (although Stockfish is switching to being based on win probabilities...) - Checkmates should be evaluated with scores outside of the reachable bounds for a playable position, e.g -999 for black and 999 for white - Q.: Why do we need centipawns? Can't we just count material? <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/eval_bar.jpg"> --- ### Evaluation philosophy - Unfortunately (or fortunately), we as humans use much more than material to assess a position: - Is my king safe? - How "developed"/active are my pieces? - How strong is my pawn structure? - This needs to be encoded in the evaluation function - If we encode *too much*, we are making the function slower and less generalizable - If we encode *too little*, the engine does not know how to play chess at all, and will just repeat moves as long as they don't lose a piece right away --- ### Piece-square tables (PSQTs) - A very rough, although effective way of providing the engine with positional knowledge - A fancy name for *heatmaps* - Should be *tapered* for the engine to play the endgame well, e.g. increase pawns values more as they advance in the board to incentivize promotion and incentivize the king to become active ```rust const MIDGAME_KNIGHT_PSQT: PieceSquareTable = [ -50,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-50, -40,-20, 0, 5, 5, 0,-20,-40, -30, 5, 10, 15, 15, 10, 5,-30, -30, -5, 15, 20, 20, 15, -5,-30, -30, 5, 15, 20, 20, 15, 5,-30, -30, 0, 10, 15, 15, 10, 0,-30, -40,-20, 0, 0, 0, 0,-20,-40, -50,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-30,-50, ]; ``` *"Don't place knights in the corners"* --- ### Pawn structure considerations - Subject to discussion, and highly dependant on other factors - Give bonus to passed pawns - Give penalty to doubled and isolated pawns - These may not generalize to every position... - Sometimes isolated pawns are good, providing extra space ```rust pub fn evaluate_pawn_structure(position: &Position) -> ValueScore { let mut score = 0; let white_pawns = position.board.pieces_bb_color(Piece::Pawn, Color::White); let black_pawns = position.board.pieces_bb_color(Piece::Pawn, Color::Black); score += doubled_pawns(white_pawns) as ValueScore * DOUBLED_PAWNS_PENALTY; score -= doubled_pawns(black_pawns) as ValueScore * DOUBLED_PAWNS_PENALTY; score += passed_pawns(pawn_direction(Color::White), white_pawns, black_pawns) .iter().fold(0, |acc, rank| acc + PASSED_PAWN_BONUS[*rank as usize]); score -= passed_pawns(pawn_direction(Color::Black), black_pawns, white_pawns) .iter().fold(0, |acc, rank| acc + PASSED_PAWN_BONUS[*rank as usize]); score } ``` --- class: center, middle, inverse, small-images ### Now it should be simple to play chess, right? Maybe not --- ### A first trial - Make a move and use the one that results in the best position ```rust pub fn best_move(position: &Position) -> Move { let moves = position.moves(); let best_idx = 0; let best_eval = -999; for (idx, mov) in moves.enumerate() { let new_position = position.make_move(&mov); let eval = new_position.evaluate(); if (eval > best_eval) { best_eval = eval; best_idx = idx; } } moves[best_idx] } ``` Is this enough? --- ### 1-ply search isn't enough - Conceptually, we'd like to look for positions very far away - "Grandmasters calculate 20 moves deep" is a bit misunderstood, but generally calculating deeper does result in better gameplay - 1-ply immediately misses recaptures, e.g. we'll grab a pawn with a queen missing that it would be hanging the next move or miss mate in 1 - Is there a solution to this without increasing depth? <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/blunder.png" style="width: 40%"> --- ### Minimax - A classic algorithm for gameplay in adversarial games with complete information - In chess we do see the entire board (not so in poker and others...) - We simply evaluate at leaves and find the move that yields the best evaluation for us, assuming that the opponent will play the best move <div class="display: flex; width: 100%;"> <iframe src="" width="27%" height=300 frameborder=0></iframe> <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/chess_engine_game_tree.png" style="width: 400px;" /> </div> --- ### Quiescence search - Unfortunately, we can't search with very large depths, due to search explosions and limited time to think - As discussed before, we need to guarantee that evaluation at leaves does not miss captures to avoid catastrophic blunders - *Quiescence search* is the search for "quietness", or simply a position without captures deemed safe - Simply a constrained search with unlimited depth besides the Minimax leaves <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/tree_generic.png" style="width: 500px;" /> --- class: center, middle, inverse, small-images ### Ok, now we can play miserably How to speedup search besides depths 4/5? --- ### Alpha-beta pruning - Mostly a free lunch; this is a lossless technique - You lose the ability to get multiple variations, but you can work around that - Avoids expanding branches that cannot beat the current best - α and β represent the best scores so far for us and the opponent, and form a *search window* - They are used by many other heuristics <div class="display: flex; width: 100%;"> <iframe src="" width="27%" height=300 frameborder=0></iframe> <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/chess_engine_game_tree.png" style="width: 400px;" /> </div> --- ### Move ordering - If we search the best move first, alpha-beta will cut all remaining branches - Of course, we do not know the best move beforehand, but we might guess (or even better, just in a bit) - Good heuristics for move ordering are straightforward - PSQT-based: if a move improves the rough position of a piece, it's likely better - MVV-LVA (Most Valuable Victim - Least Valuable Aggressor): prefer capturing high value pieces with our less valuable pieces ```rust pub fn evaluate_move(position: &Position, mov: Move) -> ValueScore { let mut score = 0; let moving_piece = position.board.piece_at(mov.from()); if mov.flag().is_capture() { let captured_piece = position.board.piece_at(; score += captured_piece.value() - moving_piece.value(); } score += psqt_value(moving_piece,, position.side_to_move, 0); score -= psqt_value(moving_piece, mov.from(), position.side_to_move, 0); score } ``` --- ### Null-move pruning - The most essential lossy pruning technique - If skipping our turn is still good enough to cause a beta-cutoff, then this is too good to be true ```rust if !is_check && !twofold_repetition && !may_be_zug { position.side_to_move = position.side_to_move.opposite(); let (score, _) = alphabeta(position, depth - R, -beta, -alpha);, position.side_to_move = position.side_to_move.opposite(); if score >= beta { return (beta, count); } } ``` - Does not work in late endgames due to *zugzwang*, the most obvious example being the basic checkmates - Of course, must also be disabled when in check to avoid illegal positions --- ### Standing pat - Term used in poker variants, where you choose to keep your hand and withdraw from getting more cards - In chess programming, this is the static evaluation of a position inside a quiescence search - Assuming captures cannot make the position worse, one refutation is enough to cancel a capture - Can also use it to "delta prune", i.e. fail if even a queen capture can't improve the score ```rust let static_evaluation = position.value() * position.side_to_move.sign(); alpha = alpha.max(static_evaluation); // Beta cutoff: position is too good if static_evaluation >= beta { return (beta, 1); } // Delta pruning: sequence cannot improve the score if static_evaluation < alpha.saturating_sub(Piece::Queen.value()) { return (alpha, 1); } static_evaluation ``` --- ### Selectivity - One can experiment with extension and reductions to further cut down the search tree size - *Check extensions* are usually a good idea, since they are usually a hint of a forced, interesting variant - *Late move reductions* trust that our move ordering is good enough to see later moves shallower - *Passed pawn extensions* help the program in endgames - This is very unstable and the outcome in overall play strength might change drastically due to synergies --- ### Transposition tables - A common theme in chess is finding the same positions with different move ordering - Of course, saving scores from previously seen positions saves search time - Must take special care with score semantics - A score retrieved from a beta-cutoff is not an exact score, but rather a *lowerbound*, so it should be treated as that ```rust if let Some((score, score_type)) = table.get_table_score(position, depth, ply) { match score_type { Exact => return (score, 1), // found a move that improve the score LowerBound => alpha = alpha.max(score), // "fail-high", i.e. beta-cutoff UpperBound => beta = beta.min(score), // "fail-soft", i.e. alpha unchanged } // Beta cutoff: position is too good if alpha >= beta { return (alpha, 1); } } ``` - We are storing data about a position in a hash table, but how to actually hash a position? --- ### Zobrist hashing - Generate random u64 for (piece, square) pairs, and just XOR them into the hash as pieces move in and out of squares - This is because a ^ b ^ b = a ```rust fn xor_hash(&mut self, square: Square, piece: Piece, color: Color) { let index = color as usize * 6 * 64 + piece as usize * 64 + square as usize; self.hash ^= ZOBRIST_NUMBERS[index]; } pub fn set_square(&mut self, square: Square, piece: Piece, color: Color) { self.clear_square(square); self.pieces[piece as usize].set(square); self.occupancy[color as usize].set(square); self.mailbox[square as usize] = Some(piece); self.xor_hash(square, piece, color); } ``` - Probability of collision is very thin (around 10^-5 for 64-bit hashes), but exists - As Sebastian Lague (Youtuber) says, "I guess that if we want speed we'll just have to live in danger" --- ### Iterative deepening - Due to time limitations we search with progressively incrementing depths - Say we assign 10 seconds for searching. We'll search depth=1, depth=2, ... until time is reached and we yield the last completed search result - Ironically, due to introducing *hash moves* in the transposition table, a search with depth *n* inside an iterative deepening framework is faster that a single one outside of it ```rust pub fn alphabeta_iter(position: &Position, table: SearchTable) -> Option<Move> { let mut current_depth = 1; let mut current_best_move = None; loop { let mov = alphabeta(position, current_depth, table); if mov.is_none() { // The search could not finish in time, or we are mated. // alphabeta checks for time termination. break; } current_depth = (current_depth + 1).min(MAX_DEPTH); current_best_move = table.get_hash_move(position); } current_best_move } ``` --- ### Time management - Our orchestrator (e.g. GUI or Lichess) provides us with a position and times, and now we need to assign some time to limit iterative deepening... - This is highly subjective; we humans do it very differently based on personality and humor - A simple heuristic is to spend more time around move 20, when the game is more "tense" and past opening theory - May also factor estimated remaining moves <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/time_management.jpg" style="width:400px;"> --- class: center, middle, inverse, small-images ### Advanced topics If the organizers are not already impatient with me --- ### Opening books and endgame tablebases - People like to ask me, what about teaching the engine openings and using precomputed endgame results - This is done is some engines but is mostly handled by the operator, e.g. a GUI like Chessbase or Lichess - Opening books are a necessity, since the opening is very theory-based; endgame tablebases are not much of an help, since we can search much deeper in the endgame <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/opening_book.png" style="width: 500px;"> --- ### LazySMP - Minimax is a sequential algorithm by nature - Specially when we use (and we must) alpha-beta pruning - *LazySMP* consists in launching a search in various cores with random variations in depth and move ordering - The cores will share the hash table, and use each others information - Important to avoid contention, as it will significantly slow down the search ```c // Storing in the table with a lockless hashing schema index = key % TABLESIZE; hashtable[index].key = key ^ data; hashtable[index].data = data; // Retrieving from the table with a lockless hashing schema index = key % TABLESIZE; if (( hashtable[index].key ^ hashtable[index].data) == key ) { /* entry matches key */ } ``` --- ### Texel Tuning - We discussed PSQTs and pawn structure bonuses - Of course, there can be many other evaluation parameters, but the common theme is that they are a wild guess - Unless, of course, we optimize them in some way - *Texel Tuning* optimizes the parameters in regards to the outcome of games in a database <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/texel.jpg"> where *Ri* is the result of the game (0 for black win, 0.5 for draw and 1 for white win); q(i) is the quiescence search result; N is the number of test positions. --- ### NNUE - I once read that "Texel Tuning is the NNUE of the poor" - That is because we are optimizing the parameters of our own handcrafted function - *NNUE* is a neural network to evaluate a position, with a catch - Since most aspects of a position do not change after a move (only 2 squares generally) we can leave most intermediate matrix multiplications unchanged and just update the affected ones <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/nnue.jpg" style="width:550px;"> --- ### Integration testing - Perft is a good test suite for move generation, but a engine is so much more than that - The *Strategic Test Suite* tests the program strength in strategic play - Other suites test deep tactical patterns, uncovering bugs like the incorrect use of new heuristics - A good (regression-sort-of) testing is putting the new versions against the latest stable one in a long tournament - I have this running in a Github Action <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/gh_actions.png" style="width: 700px;"> --- ### The sky is the limit - Chess programming is always evolving, and there is so much that we did not cover, in part because of time, but also because I can't fully grasp some advanced on-the-rise topics - Use the beauty of the Internet to learn and build amazing things yourself - The *chessprogrammingwiki* is your friend - Do it for the plot (and the knowledge), not for the job <img src="/assets/slides/sinf-24-chess/meme.jpg" style="width: 400px;"> --- class: center, middle, inverse, small-images ## Thank you! Questions?